This directory is maintained by the Revolutionary Technical Committee

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Category: Parties and Orgs

ICP (Il Partito)

Main website for the texts papers and works of the International Communist Party (Il Partito).

ICP (Il Programma)

Main website for the texts papers and works of the International Communist Party (Il Programma).

ICP (Le Prolétaire)

Main website for the texts papers and works of the International Communist Party (Le Prolétaire).


Forum of the Communist Left.

Grupo Barbaria

Spanish group of left-communists.

Internationalist Communist Tendency

Website of the Internationalist Communist Tendency

Council Communist Collective

The main page of the main Council Communist Organization

La Sinistra Internazionale

Small left-communist party in Italy.

Worker's Voice

A small page with some left-com texts and opinions.

Internationalist Communist Perspective

Not to be confused with the Internationalist Perspective. An organization affiliated with the ICT which publishes articles in English and Korean.
ICP (El Comunista)

Main website for the texts papers and works of the International Communist Party (El Comunista).

Quinterna / n+1

Archive of various written works of the Communist Left in Italian and English.

International Communist Current

Website of the International Communist Current.

Revolutionary Technical Committee

Communist Left-focused organization constituted with the mission to encourage the use of scientific advancements within the field of computer science towards the revolutionary cause.

Groupe Communiste Mondial

The website of the GCM.


Page of the Inititative Demokratische Arbeitszei- trechnung, which is focused in democratic labour time accounting.

Internationalist Perspective

An organisation of the Communist Left arising out of a split of the ICC in 1986. IP's main focus is incessant theoretical development and working towards a "Renaissance of Marxism". For more information, read the reference text "The World As We See It".