This directory is maintained by the Revolutionary Technical Committee

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Category: Council Communism

Council Communist Collective

The main page of the main Council Communist Organization

Worker's Voice

A small page with some left-com texts and opinions.

Materiales X La Emancipacion

A page with some interesting texts about the historical left-wing of communism and opinions on modern issues.

Left Wing Communism

An archive with various texts, mainly of the german-dutch tendency of left-wing communism.

Paul Mattick Homepage

An archive of Paul Mattick's texts.

A Swedish left-com group.

Page of the Inititative Demokratische Arbeitszei- trechnung, which is focused in democratic labour time accounting.

Antonie Pannekoek Archives

Archive of council communist theory.

Root & Branch Archives

An archive about the group Root and Branch, a small group associated with Paul Mattick Jr.


A council communist archive.

This page has some archives of the communist left, mostly of the council communist current.