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Category: Archives

Quinterna / n+1

Archive of various written works of the Communist Left in Italian and English.
Autonomous Archives

Fragments of the history of the radical left.

Left Wing Communism

An archive with various texts, mainly of the german-dutch tendency of left-wing communism.

Paul Mattick Homepage

An archive of Paul Mattick's texts.

A Swedish left-com group.
Antonie Pannekoek Archives

Archive of council communist theory.

Root & Branch Archives

An archive about the group Root and Branch, a small group associated with Paul Mattick Jr.


A council communist archive.

This page has some archives of the communist left, mostly of the council communist current.

Marxists Internet Archive

Massive archiving project, includes texts by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky, Liebknecht, Bordiga, the Comintern documents, etc. etc.